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Comment pouvons nous aider?
Inscrire Une Propriété
Listing a property is very easy. Follow the steps below and show your property to the world.
- Create a free account
Creating an account is easy and completely free. Click on ‘register’ at the top and create a personal account. In your online profile page you can fill out all the information about you or your company. Make sure you provide the right information because this is your promotion and what potential buyers or renters will use to get in touch with you. - Add property details
Our user-friendly online system makes it possible to add and edit all details of your property at any time. Add your own property description, details, images and even floor plans, a video and a virtual tour by clicking on ‘list property’. All this is possible in just a few clicks. Don’t forget to highlight your property when you have an open house. You’re in charge! - Pay submission
Pay only a one-time fee to get your property published for an unlimited time. You can do this by clicking on the ‘pay to publish’ button in the list ‘actions’. You can find this button on the my properties list page in your online dashboard. After a successful payment, the payment status in your dashboard will be changed from ‘Not Paid’ to ‘Paid’.
Yes you need an account to list a property but you can already check how our system works without having an account by clicking on the “Ajouter Propriété” button. Registering can be done very easily and is 100% free. Having an account gives you the following advantages; see statistics about your listing, edit your listing unlimited at any time, set a status (Open House for example), add favorites, save searches and more.
Trouver Une Propriété
Find a property for free. Use our advanced search and map system where you can filter for all your needs. Interested in a property? Contact the agent, agency or property owner directly using our built-in contact form and get more information or plan a viewing.
We offer multiple search options. On every ‘properties’ page we provide a map at the top with pins on it to show the actual listings. You can use through this map to see where the listings are located. We also provide an advanced search system to filter on specifics. This search bar is located underneath the top map. Search for example by location, status, type, number of bedrooms/bathrooms, size, price etc.